Author Karmen Špiljak – Exploring Twist, Mystery, and Noir

Exploring Genre Blends, Complex Characters, and the Art of Storytelling

Karmen Špiljak masterfully weaves intricate tales, blending mystery and noir, captivating readers with her unique storytelling and compelling characters.

Karmen Špiljak, a Slovenian-Belgian writer with a taste for twisty tales, shares her intriguing journey from academia to full-time writing, her fascination with genre-blending narratives, and her unique culinary noir collections. This interview originally published on Reader’s House magazine, delves into the multifaceted world of Špiljak, who is also a book coach in training.

From Academia to Storytelling

Karmen Špiljak’s background spans political science and anthropology, yet her career is centred around writing. When asked about her transition from academia to storytelling, she attributes it to her curiosity and desire to keep things interesting. Her journey involved various jobs, ultimately leading her to online marketing and communications, where she could work with words and storytelling.

Writing has been a part of Špiljak’s life from a very early age, but it took decades before she considered it a career. Despite loving her PhD topic, she found academic writing stifling her creative output. After completing her PhD, she had to unlearn the formal academic style to rediscover her voice in fiction. By her thirties, with the support of her husband, she embraced writing full-time, realizing it was her true calling.

Blending Genres and Themes

Špiljak’s stories often blend elements of mystery, crime, and dystopia, reflecting her eclectic tastes and inspirations. Her attraction to mysteries with a supernatural twist stems from childhood influences like The Twilight Zone. When crafting her narratives, she lets the story dictate its structure and genre. This approach allows her the freedom to explore different themes and genres, rather than being confined to one.

For instance, one of her stories emerged naturally as a climate fiction dystopia, a genre choice dictated by the story itself. She emphasizes the importance of following her instincts and considering genre blends only after the story is complete, ensuring her creativity remains unrestricted.

Crafting Complex Characters

In her thriller No Such Thing as Goodbye, Špiljak explores espionage and familial ties against the backdrop of Mexico City. The protagonist, Toni Morretti, was inspired by an interview with a member of a criminal family. This sparked the creation of Toni, a female spy with a complex background, seeking a fresh start away from the traditional spy narratives involving wars and national secrets.

Špiljak describes Toni as a character with heavy baggage, a mobster’s sister with dark secrets, who demanded to have her story told in a specific way. Despite initially plotting the second book in the series, she found that Toni’s character had other plans, leading to a narrative shaped by the protagonist’s own decisions.

Culinary Noir: A Unique Blend of Crime and Cuisine

Špiljak’s culinary noir collections, Add Cyanide to Taste and Pass the Cyanide, combine her love for food and crime fiction. The pandemic inspired her to write “Add Cyanide to Taste” as a personal project, despite doubts about the market for culinary noir and short stories. The collection’s success, winning the 2022 IndieReader Discovery Award, led to a sequel that also received acclaim.

Among her favorite recipes from the collections is The Forbidden Pasta, humorously dubbed ‘abomination pasta’ by her husband for its unconventional take on Italian cuisine. Another favorite is the ‘Leek Scramble,’ a cherished breakfast dish.

Navigating Literary Competitions

Špiljak’s short stories have gained recognition in various literary competitions and prestigious publications. She advises aspiring writers to write the stories they want rather than trying to fit them into the mold of specific contests. Finding the right contest for the story, rather than the other way around, has been key to her success.

Building Connections with Readers

Beyond her published works, Špiljak engages with her audience through newsletters and social media, offering exclusive content and discounts on her ebooks. She views her monthly emails as story capsules, sharing personal insights and aspects of her writing life. This approach helps her build a meaningful connection with her readers, whom she values for their time and trust.

On social media, Špiljak, an introvert, focuses on connecting with people, exploring visual storytelling, and sharing her passions for words, cats, and food.

Karmen Špiljak’s journey and work exemplify a dedication to storytelling that transcends genres and mediums, creating a unique space in the literary world that continues to captivate readers globally.