Bridging Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science

Exploring Consciousness Across East and West

Ivan Antic’s profound insights bridge ancient wisdom and modern science, guiding readers toward enlightenment and a deeper understanding of existence.

Ivan Antic, born on December 22, 1961, in Belgrade, Serbia, has dedicated his life to exploring the profound connections between transcendental knowledge and ancient teachings, aiming to reveal reality objectively. After numerous mystical experiences in 1982, Antic abandoned his study of philosophy, feeling at odds with the standard models of reality presented in academic education. He turned his focus to individual development and meditation, grounding his practice in Buddhist teachings. Living a reclusive life, he shares his insights through a popular series of books, Existence-Consciousness-Bliss.

The core theme of Antic’s work is the exploration of how personal transcendental experiences intersect with ancient teachings like Samkhya, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, and original Buddhist doctrines. His unique approach bridges the gap between ancient knowledge and modern science, offering fresh perspectives on consciousness, human essence, artificial and biological intelligence, universal ethics, and the broader meaning of existence within civilizational development.

Antic’s work asserts that the essence of the human soul, originating from absolute divine consciousness, manifests through all possible conditions in the physical world. He believes the development of science and material culture should serve the manifestation of divine consciousness through the human soul, rather than creating threats to humanity and nature. His writings critique both traditional scientific and religious views, proposing a harmonious integration where science and material progress support the realization of divine consciousness.

His mystical experiences and spiritual practices, including the Fourth Way and Shikantaza Zen meditation, profoundly influence his writing. Antic emphasizes that true understanding of spirituality and existence requires transcending the mind to experience a state of consciousness that provides deeper insights beyond mental concepts. He finds the theories of Samkhya and the practice of Zen meditation uniquely suited to achieve this, free from religious, mythological, theological, or psychological biases.

Antic’s books cover a wide range of topics, from meditation and consciousness to history, astrology, and the law of attraction. He integrates these disparate themes by illustrating how the same consciousness manifests in various ways throughout the universe. For instance, astrology scientifically details how nature influences the individual soul, while historical and socio-political events reflect the karmic maturation of souls across different stages of consciousness. This holistic approach aims to help readers recognize the interconnectedness of all aspects of existence.

His logo, incorporating symbols like the Templar cross and the lotus, reflects his vision of unifying spirituality and materiality. The Templar cross symbolizes Western rationality, material culture, and science, while the Yantra represents Eastern spiritual and transcendental issues. Antic believes the evolution of consciousness tends toward their unification, a convergence evidenced in holistic approaches to scientific research that echo ancient Eastern teachings.

In Meditation: The First and Last Step – From Understanding to Practice, Antic delves into the transformative power of meditation. He advises readers to practice meditation by sitting quietly and completely relaxing, allowing their higher mind to influence and inform them. He suggests that every home should have a dedicated meditation space, emphasizing that maintaining spiritual hygiene is as crucial as physical cleanliness.

The Soul’s Guide to Planet Earth explores the soul’s journey and its return to the divine Absolute. Antic’s lifelong path of discovering true reality inspires this exploration. He hopes his experiences will aid others on their paths of self-discovery and enlightenment, illustrating that enlightenment represents the pinnacle of sound reasoning encompassing the entirety of nature in all its dimensions.