Crafting Epic Tales in The Drinnglennin Chronicles

An Exclusive Interview with K.C. Julius

K.C. Julius masterfully crafts intricate, immersive fantasy worlds, capturing readers’ imaginations with her compelling characters and richly detailed narratives.

K.C. Julius, the acclaimed author of The Drinnglennin Chronicles, has captivated mature readers with her epic medieval fantasy series. Additionally, she has delighted teen and YA audiences with her novel, Beyond to Hutanya. Her work intricately weaves themes of adventure, sword and sorcery, romance, and betrayal in a vivid tapestry that draws readers into her meticulously crafted worlds.

Julius’s inspiration for delving into epic medieval fantasy stems from a childhood rich with stories. An avid reader, she was deeply influenced by the great writers housed in her parents’ library, including Charles Dickens, Cervantes, Dostoyevsky, and D.H. Lawrence. Her discovery of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare and J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings series further fueled her love for storytelling, especially in the realms of historical fiction and fantasy. Her greatest influence, however, remains the Scottish historical novelist Dorothy Dunnett, whose works set the bar for Julius’s own writing aspirations.

Currently residing in the picturesque Mosel Valley with her husband, Julius finds her environment profoundly influences her writing. The beauty of the places she has lived, from Indonesia to Switzerland, and now Germany, provides a rich backdrop for the settings in her books. Walking in the woods and along the river, she finds inspiration in nature’s tranquility and beauty, which is reflected in her writing process.

The Drinnglennin Chronicles, starting with Portents of Chaos, explores intricate themes of power struggle and succession. Inspired by George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, Julius’s world-building captures the political maneuvering and character complexities that make fantasy worlds compelling. Her narrative also tackles contemporary issues such as migration, prejudice, and gender inequality, mirroring real-world struggles within her fantastical realms.

Julius’s characters face multifaceted challenges, with their story arcs interwoven throughout the series. Portents of Chaos is told from six characters’ perspectives, each contributing to the unfolding saga of potential heirs to the Einhorn Throne. Characters like Whit, Halla, Maura, and Leif, each from diverse backgrounds, are brought together by the wizard Master Morgan. As the series progresses, new characters like Fynn and Borne join the narrative, standing against a dark threat to their world. The characters’ internal and external journeys, marked by courage, resilience, intrigue, and betrayal, drive the series forward.

As The Drinnglennin Chronicles concludes with The Wings of Dread, Julius hopes readers take away a sense of immersion in the complex, gripping fantasy she has crafted. Her extensive research into early Renaissance Europe, Viking culture, and the Ottoman Empire enriches the historical authenticity of her world. The detailed maps of Drinnglennin’s realms and the Known World, created by cartographer Kevin Sheehan, further enhance the readers’ experience.

K.C. Julius set out to write the type of fantasy she herself loves to read, and she hopes her readers feel the same excitement and engagement with her characters and their adventures. With another novel in the works set in the Known World, fans can look forward to more captivating stories from this talented author.