Creating New Pathways in Literature and Business – An Interview with Author Lisa Bradley

Combining Words and Products to Uplift and Inspire

Lisa Bradley’s heartfelt poetry and innovative spirit inspire countless readers, blending encouragement with creativity to uplift and engage beautifully.

Lisa Bradley embarked on her journey as an author in 2016, a decision that set her on a path of creative exploration and entrepreneurial success. Realizing that merely writing a book wasn’t enough to maintain its visibility, Lisa treated her book as a business, creating custom merchandise connected to her literary works. This strategic move not only expanded her reach but also established her as a small business owner, enhancing her brand’s growth and making her works more accessible to a broader audience.

Lisa’s debut works, Be Encouraged Inspirational Poems and Expressions of the Heart, offer readers a reservoir of hope and inspiration through poetry. Lisa’s approach to writing is deeply introspective and spiritually guided. My writing process involves being in a space and frame of mind conducive to writing, Lisa explains. She draws inspiration from personal experiences, societal situations, and her faith, aiming to uplift, encourage, and inspire her readers. Her poems are a testament to the belief that no matter the challenges one faces, God already has a plan worked out.

Innovatively blending entertainment with inspiration, Lisa’s book Poetry in a Puzzle combines the elements of poetry and crossword puzzles. This unique creation was motivated by a desire to offer readers a refreshing way to engage with her work. I wanted to do something different but still stay within the theme of my poems, Lisa says. She hopes that through solving these puzzles, readers can momentarily escape life’s stresses and find solace and joy.

Another engaging creation, Be Encouraged Word Search, provides readers with an interactive way to immerse themselves in her poetry. Lisa believes that activities like word searches can significantly contribute to her mission of spreading positivity. Puzzle books, like coloring books or jigsaw puzzles, calm your nerves, Lisa notes. They offer a peaceful respite from life’s loudness, fostering a sense of tranquility and relaxation.

Lisa’s poetic journey began later in life, offering her a therapeutic outlet to express herself. During challenging times, particularly when her family was struck with depression, poetry became her solace. Writing allowed her to release her emotions and maintain her faith, even when prayer seemed difficult. Her poetry became a conversation with God, a medium through which she expressed her innermost thoughts and sought comfort.

For aspiring authors and those seeking to share messages of hope, Lisa offers profound advice: Never give up. Keep writing. Keep believing and most importantly, keep praying. She believes that persistence and faith will open doors for sharing one’s gifts with the world.

Lisa Bradley’s story is an inspiring testament to the power of creativity, resilience, and faith. Her journey from an author to a small business owner exemplifies how literary works can transcend traditional boundaries, offering both inspiration and innovative engagement to readers.