Exploring Nature and Childhood Joy with Author Marc Polett

Exploring Nature, Friendship, and Imagination in the Pages of Polett’s First Literary Endeavour

Marc Polett masterfully blends personal inspiration and vibrant storytelling, creating enchanting children’s books that foster a love for nature.

An interview on Reader’s House magazine, author Marc Polett shares his journey of writing Lily’s Wondrous World: A Day in the Park, a book inspired by his wife’s deep love of animals and his own childhood experiences exploring nature in Gladwyne, PA. These influences shaped the enchanting adventure of Lily, capturing the joy of childhood friendships and the wonders of the natural world.

Marc’s wife has an innate ability to connect with animals, which fascinated him and became a central theme in his storytelling. As a child, she often spent time in the park feeding rabbits and squirrels, and she developed a lifelong passion for horses, even training in dressage at a prestigious school in France. This love for animals and nature is mirrored in Lily’s playful adventures. Marc’s own childhood was also filled with explorations of Gladwyne’s trails, where he photographed deer, rabbits, and foxes, adding a personal touch to the narrative.

Despite his background in web development and finance, Marc has always had a passion for creative writing. His academic pursuits in Sociology at the University of Arizona, complemented by studies in poetry and creative writing, helped hone his storytelling skills. While his career path led him through web and mobile game development and into healthcare finance, writing remained his preferred form of creative expression.

Lily’s Wondrous World aims to inspire young readers to appreciate the beauty of nature and the joy of outdoor exploration. Marc hopes that children will become excited about the outdoors and discover the wonders around them, whether in parks, trails, or their own backyards. Additionally, he aspires to inspire others to share their own stories, just as his wife’s story inspired him.

The book’s poetic narrative and vibrant illustrations are designed to engage children aged 4 to 8. Marc approached the balance between text and illustrations by collaborating closely with illustrator Vasya Baev. Their shared vision resulted in a visually captivating book that complements the engaging story. Their partnership will continue with the upcoming Lily’s Wondrous World: A Day at the Beach, set for release in the fall.

Beyond entertainment, Lily’s Wondrous World emphasizes the importance of spending time with loved ones and exploring the outdoors. Marc believes that books like his contribute significantly to children’s intellectual development and well-being by fostering a love for reading and encouraging connections with nature and peers.

For aspiring writers, especially those transitioning from different professional backgrounds, Marc offers valuable advice: Tell the story that speaks to you. He encourages writers to read extensively and write about their interests. Drawing from his own experience, Marc underscores the importance of passion and inspiration in embarking on a successful creative journey.

Marc Polett’s Lily’s Wondrous World: A Day in the Park is a testament to the power of storytelling, inspired by the love of nature and animals. It encourages children to explore, connect, and find joy in the world around them, making it a delightful and meaningful addition to any young reader’s collection.