Exploring the Heart of Nostalgia – An Interview with Brad Balukjian

Exploring Truth, Humanity, and the Unconventional in Science, Journalism, and Literature

Brad Balukjian masterfully blends nostalgia and narrative, transforming personal passions into compelling stories that resonate deeply with readers. A true storyteller.

In a recent interview published in Reader’s House magazine, author Brad Balukjian delves into his unique journey as a writer and explorer of nostalgia, loss, and personal discovery. Known for his dedication to childhood passions such as pro wrestling, baseball, and island biogeography, Balukjian’s work transcends mere hobbies, transforming them into profound narratives that resonate with readers of all backgrounds.

Brad Balukjian, founder of The Brad Pack, grew up in Greenville, Rhode Island. Despite its proximity to Providence, Brad’s childhood was filled with dreams and interests that would shape his future career. Armed with a bachelor’s degree in island biogeography from Duke University and a PhD in entomology from UC Berkeley, he spent a decade teaching biology and founding the Natural History and Sustainability program at Laney and Merritt Colleges in California. Now, as a digital nomad, Brad continues to chase his childhood dreams, documenting his adventures and the stories of his heroes.

What Inspired His Journeys?

In the Reader’s House interview, Brad discusses what motivated him to write books like The Six Pack and The Wax Pack. Trained in longform narrative journalism, Brad’s childhood passions for baseball, wrestling, islands, and Star Wars continue to fuel his writing. His obsessive nature, as noted in his documentation of OCD in The Wax Pack, serves him well in both scientific research and storytelling. Brad’s road trips to uncover the human side of former athletes allow him to indulge his passions while painting a deeper, more personal portrait of his subjects.

Science and Storytelling

Brad’s background in island biogeography and entomology uniquely informs his storytelling approach. He draws parallels between scientific research and journalism, both of which involve seeking truth and compiling evidence. For instance, in The Six Pack, Brad investigates the extent to which wrestlers embody their characters, mirroring his scientific inquiries during his entomology research.

Resonant Anecdotes

One poignant story from The Six Pack involves wrestler Tony Atlas, who overcame significant adversity during his youth. Brad’s visit to Tony’s hometown of Low Moor, Virginia, provided a vivid backdrop for understanding the wrestler’s journey from poverty and violence to fame and eventual decline. Such firsthand experiences enrich Brad’s narratives, offering readers a profound sense of place and context.

The Appeal of 1980s Wrestling

The mid-to-late 1980s WWF era, characterized by its grueling schedule and lack of support for wrestlers, captivated Brad. The physical and emotional toll on these athletes, who often performed over 300 days a year without health insurance or retirement plans, intrigued him. Brad’s exploration of this period sheds light on the personal sacrifices and challenges faced by these performers.

Challenges in The Wax Pack

Tracking down former baseball players from a single pack of cards presented its own set of challenges. Without a background in sports journalism, Brad had to convince these athletes to share their stories. The journey revealed unexpected themes, such as the complex father-son relationships that played a pivotal role in the book.

Themes of Nostalgia and Discovery

Brad’s books explore universal themes that resonate with a wide audience. By focusing on nostalgia, loss, and personal discovery, he creates narratives that are both engaging and emotionally compelling. Drawing on techniques from New Journalism, Brad vividly brings to life the scenes and characters he encounters.

Balancing Storytelling Modes

Blending memoir, investigative journalism, and travelogue, Brad strives to create narrative non-fiction that informs, entertains, and emotionally engages readers. This balance ensures that his work appeals to a broad audience while maintaining depth and authenticity.

Advice for Aspiring Writers

Brad encourages aspiring writers to deeply understand their subject matter, take risks, and remain honest about their motivations. Whether pursuing creative fulfillment or financial success, writers should adjust their goals accordingly and be prepared for the challenges that come with exploring unconventional storytelling formats.

Brad Balukjian’s work, as highlighted in his interview with Reader’s House magazine, offers a captivating blend of nostalgia, exploration, and human connection. His dedication to his passions and his ability to transform them into compelling narratives make his books a must-read for anyone interested in the intersections of sports, science, and personal discovery.