Unveiling History – An Interview with Author G.K. Holloway

Exploring the Depths of Historical Fiction and the Craft of Writing with the Author of the 1066 Series

G.K. Holloway’s meticulous research breathes life into historical landscapes, crafting compelling narratives that captivate and transport readers through time.

G.K. Holloway, a storyteller with a passion for history, intricately weaves tales spanning centuries, bringing vivid characters to life.

From humble beginnings in northern England, G.K. embarked on a journey of education and exploration, blending work with study and travel across Europe. His fascination with history blossomed during his time at Coventry University, leading him to pursue a degree in History and Politics.

The genesis of 1066: What Fates Impose stemmed from G.K.’s deep-rooted interest in the events of the eleventh century. Through extensive research and firsthand experiences visiting historical sites, G.K. crafted a compelling narrative that delves into the intricacies of the Battle of Hastings and its profound impact on England’s trajectory.

Reflecting on his literary influences, G.K. credits authors like Ian W. Walker, Bernard Cornwell, and Ken Follett for shaping his writing journey. Their works ignited his passion for historical fiction, inspiring him to delve deeper into the annals of the past.

G.K.’s writing style is characterized by its simplicity and evocative imagery, drawing readers into the heart of the narrative. His dedication to historical accuracy is evident in his meticulous research process, which involves extensive reading, online exploration, and consultations with experts.

Currently immersed in Fire in the Fens, the third installment of his saga, G.K. continues to captivate audiences with his rich storytelling and immersive depiction of pivotal historical moments. Set in the enigmatic landscape of the Fens, the novel promises to unravel the tale of Hereward’s daring rebellion against William the Conqueror.

As G.K. Holloway continues to chart new literary territories, readers eagerly anticipate the next chapter in his captivating storytelling odyssey.