Unveiling the Magic: An Interview with Author Carina Steinbakk

Exploring the Intersection of Magic and Science Crafting Heroes in the Battle Between Light and Darkness

Carina Steinbakk, a master of weaving magic and science, crafts compelling characters and explores themes of trust and resilience brilliantly.

Carina Steinbakk, a Norwegian author, intricately weaves magic, science, and compelling characters in her urban fantasy novel, Flames of Eader. Raised in Norway and seasoned by experiences in Scotland, Steinbakk draws from her diverse cultural background to craft a richly imagined world filled with Norse mythology and Scottish legends.

Flames of Eader follows the journey of Grey O’Shearan, a relatable protagonist with a penchant for sarcasm and a heart of gold. As Grey navigates the hidden world of Eader, Steinbakk explores themes of trust, resilience, and the unexpected alliances forged in the battle between light and darkness.

Steinbakk’s upbringing as a nomad and her background in renewable energy development and tech entrepreneurship infuse her storytelling with authenticity and a unique perspective. Through Grey’s character arc, readers witness growth, self-discovery, and the power of resilience in overcoming life’s challenges.

The novel’s themes of balance and resilience resonate deeply, reminding readers to seek magic in everyday moments and harness the energies around them to create their own destiny. Steinbakk’s narrative encourages readers to embrace trust, forge unexpected alliances, and find strength in adversity.

Flames of Eader stands as a testament to Steinbakk’s talent for blending fantasy with real-world insights, captivating readers with its vivid descriptions, engaging characters, and fast-paced plot. As readers immerse themselves in Grey’s journey, they are invited to explore the intersection of magic and science, and to discover the magic within themselves.

Carina Steinbakk’s debut novel is a testament to her storytelling prowess and her ability to transport readers to fantastical realms while imparting valuable lessons about trust, resilience, and the power of self-discovery. Through Flames of Eader, Steinbakk invites readers on an enchanting journey of adventure, friendship, and the discovery of one’s own inner magic.