Unveiling the Shadows An Interview with Author Marlena Frank

Exploring Inspiration, World-Building, and Character Dynamics in The Seeking

Marlena Frank’s masterful storytelling crafts a world of eerie intrigue, gripping suspense, and compelling characters, captivating readers with every word.

Marlena Frank, an author with a lifelong fascination for monsters, discusses the inspiration behind her novel The Seeking and the intricate world-building and character dynamics within it.

Inspired by a vivid dream, Frank crafted a world filled with eerie creatures and ritualistic challenges faced by protagonist Dahlia and her community. Drawing from her love for monsters and wildlife, Frank created nightmarish creatures and mysterious entities known as the Gray People, adding layers of suspense and intrigue to the story.

Dahlia, a compelling protagonist, evolves throughout the narrative, shedding her naivety and embracing her strength and independence. Her relationships, particularly with her girlfriend Bisa, play a central role, grounding her and providing support in the face of danger.

The inclusion of the Gray People adds a fascinating element to the story, shrouded in mystery and folklore. Frank explores their role in the world of The Seeking, weaving clues and revelations throughout the narrative to uncover their true nature.

The climax of the novel presents intense challenges for Dahlia, requiring her to make difficult decisions and face formidable adversaries. Frank navigates this pivotal moment with skill, ensuring that every character perspective is represented and the stakes are palpably high.

Through The Seeking, Marlena Frank delivers a gripping tale of survival, sacrifice, and self-discovery, leaving readers eagerly anticipating her future works.