John J.Blenkush – From Engineering to Enchantment

John J. Blenkush’s diverse career influences his vivid storytelling and complex world-building

John J. Blenkush‘s diverse career and travels enrich his novels, blending mythology, emotional depth, and intricate plots inspired by personal experiences and Northern California’s landscapes.

John J. Blenkush, a celebrated author known for his award-winning Solstice Series, shared insights into his creative journey in an interview with Reader’s House magazine. His storytelling is heavily influenced by his eclectic career and life experiences, which include backgrounds in aeronautics, engineering, and construction, along with extensive global travels. These diverse experiences have enriched his writing, allowing him to construct deeply immersive worlds that combine vivid detail with imaginative depth.

Blenkush explained that his travels, from New Zealand to the South Pole, have broadened his worldview and provided a wealth of experiences that he draws upon in his novels. “One has to live life to truly envision it,” Blenkush remarked, emphasizing how his interactions with different cultures have deepened his perspective. This expansive life journey feeds into his fiction, grounding his fantastical elements in concrete details that resonate with readers.

A central theme in much of Blenkush’s work is the exploration of complex emotional and interpersonal dynamics. In his novel Sandman of Caye Caulker, for instance, Blenkush explores deep themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the fraught relationship between father and son. His characters, Hawk and Sandman, are brought to life with the emotional nuance that Blenkush draws from his personal experiences. “I grew up largely without a father… and in adulthood, had a complex relationship with him,” he shared, adding a personal dimension to the themes in the book. These emotional underpinnings make his characters’ journeys feel authentic, as they struggle with moral dilemmas and emotional wounds.

The influence of mythology and ancient civilizations is also a prominent feature in Blenkush’s work, particularly in his Solstice Series, which blends the myths of ancient societies like Lemuria and Atlantis with modern-day conflicts. His fascination with these ancient myths stems from his deep connection to Mount Shasta, a mystical mountain that has inspired much of his writing. Blenkush described the process of blending fantastical elements with human experiences as a delicate balance that took years to perfect. “It’s tricky balancing magic with realism,” he noted, explaining that the eight years spent writing the Solstice Series were necessary to ensure that the mystical elements of the story remained grounded in relatable human emotions.

Character development is another strength of Blenkush’s writing, particularly in the case of Julissa, a central figure in Solstice Sacrifice. Her journey is fraught with tension as she faces both internal struggles and external dangers. Blenkush’s observations of young people, particularly from his time spent working with high school and college students, helped him craft a character whose emotional volatility and growth are central to the narrative. “Take a 16-year-old teen and shatter her life. Give her fleeting hope. Propel her into an ideological conflict,” Blenkush said, describing how Julissa is shaped by the circumstances and characters she encounters throughout the series.

When asked about his writing process, Blenkush revealed that his approach is largely organic. Rather than adhering to rigid outlines, he allows his imagination to guide him, often writing by “trial and error.” This method, though slow, allows for intricate plots that unfold naturally, as each piece of the story is carefully placed within a larger narrative framework. He relies on careful research and maintains a spreadsheet of characters and plot details to ensure continuity and depth in his storytelling.

Blenkush’s environment has also been a significant source of inspiration for his work. Living in northern California, near the mystical Mount Shasta, he finds creative sparks in the landscapes around him. Many of his novels are directly influenced by the natural beauty and legends of the region. The idea for The Dothorian Door, for example, came from a mysterious light in the woods, while Reddition was inspired by the phrase “rue the day.” His connection to the land and its myths helps ground the mystical elements in his stories, making them feel tangible and real.

Looking ahead, Blenkush continues to draw inspiration from both real and imagined worlds. His next project, For the Love of Joe, will be based on true events, further showcasing his ability to blend real-life experiences with the imaginative storytelling that has defined his career.

John J. Blenkush’s writing is a testament to his belief that storytelling is about more than just crafting a plot; it’s about weaving together the threads of life’s experiences, emotions, and mysteries. His work resonates with readers not only for its fantastical elements but also for its deep emotional truths and explorations of the human condition. Through his novels, Blenkush invites readers to embark on journeys that challenge their perceptions and leave them reflecting on the complexities of life, redemption, and the power of human connection.
